VISIONS – ANIMA MUNDI 2024 - Veneto in Festa

Veneto in festa

Sagre, Fiere, Feste ed Eventi della regione Veneto

VISIONS – ANIMA MUNDI 2024, risultati di ricerca!

set 13 2024
set 27 2024




Mostre a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 21

ott 19 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 2

dic 01 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 7

nov 30 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 5

nov 24 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 6

nov 23 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 6

nov 10 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 3

nov 09 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 4

nov 03 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 1

nov 02 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 3

nov 01 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 2

ott 27 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 1

ott 26 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 7

ott 13 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 2

ott 12 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 2

ott 05 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 3

set 29 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 3

set 28 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 1

set 22 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 5

set 21 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

The best way to get to know the hills of the Roero - UNESCO area Poderi Moretti – Cascina Occhetti open wineries on 2024

PODERI MORETTI winery open for guided tours and tasting of fine wines from Alba Langhe and Roero

Enogastronomia a Venezia - VE
  Letture: 16

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